Every year since 2011, when Google first introduced a digital wallet, has been proclaimed as the Year of the Digital Wallet. The “new”, innovative and convenient way to store your credit cards…well, money. Apparently, Google was a bit ahead of the curve, not to anyone’s … [Read more...]
Artificial Intelligence and FinTech: Making FinTech Attractive Again
Back in 2013, FinTech was a sexy catch-all-phrase that encompassed any application or platform that had to do with calculating numbers and financial information; it covered such a broad-spectrum of ventures and ideas. Over time, the “FinTech venture” became more refined, … [Read more...]
Peer-to-Peer Payments is Heating Up
In the coming months, peer-to-peer payments are going to drastically change. To some degree, it already has, but for most Canadians the results are not that apparent…yet. All this change in the peer-to-peer payments space is not only a result of technology moving at … [Read more...]